Vernissage Open-Air Exhibition of the Artist RERO* (Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
From September 18 to October 26, 2023, the Faubourg Saint Honoré Committee presents an Open-Air Exhibition of Four Monumental Art that will be exhibited in Emblematic Places in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré District. Available for the Occasion in XXL Format, this Series of Busts takes over the Faubourg District and puts its History and Evolution into Perspective. A Route of Monumental Sculptures in Public Space...
From September 18 to October 26, 2023, the Faubourg Saint Honoré Committee presents an Open-Air Exhibition of Four Monumental Art that will be exhibited in Emblematic Places in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré District. Available for the Occasion in XXL Format, this Series of Busts takes over the Faubourg District and puts its History and Evolution into Perspective. A Route of Monumental Sculptures in Public Space...
Designed in 2012 by RERO in Collaboration with Stéphane Par, Resin Busts are once again being created in the Center of Paris. The Creation of Each of the Works, made possible thanks to the Patronage of the Gilles Treuil Endowment Fund, follows the Same Confrontation between the Aesthetic Codes of Neo-Classical Statuary and a set of Terms borrowed from Digital Culture Capital Letters and crossed out with a Line.
For the Artist, whose Work has been probing for more than Ten Years the Contradictions and Paradoxes of this Juxtaposition of Two Eras and Two Modes of Representation, One Material, the Other Immaterial, invites us to measure Techniques.
"UPDATE" also allows us to grasp the Architecture of Contemporary Power: its staging in the Classical Age by and Urban Planning is followed by its Contemporary Organization in the Form of Hypertext, Key Words, Information Codes and Algorithms.
The Character represented in Monumental Bust is Antoine COYPEL who was the Painter of Louis XIV and Louis XV ; Link between Two Eras, Two Kings who created the Madeleine / Concorde District still connected Today by the Rue Royale.
From September, we find the 4 Works at the Intersection of Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré and Rue Royale, Place de l'Eglise Notre Dame de l'Assom (Place Maurice Barrès, 2 Works), Place de la Madeleine. An Operation designed and carried out by David-Hervé Boutin (Agence L'art dans la Ville) and Nicolas Couturieux (NC).
He uses Writing to better criticize the Contemporary Visual Regime. This Approach is based on Various Mediums (Canvases, Wood, Installations, Sculptures, etc.) using the Same Program: WYSIWYG ("What you see is what you get"). It is based on a Visual System Specific to the Artist, which consists of a Series of Texts written in Verdana Font, in Capital Letters and crossed out with a Thin Horizontal Line.
He uses Writing to better criticize the Contemporary Visual Regime. This Approach is based on Various Mediums (Canvases, Wood, Installations, Sculptures, etc.) using the Same Program: WYSIWYG ("What you see is what you get"). It is based on a Visual System Specific to the Artist, which consists of a Series of Texts written in Verdana Font, in Capital Letters and crossed out with a Thin Horizontal Line.
The Process, of the Order of the Oxymoron, calls into question the Places where the Works are inscribed, and highlights the Gap between the Facts and their Statement, between the Norms and the Behaviors, between the Real and the Virtual .
It allows the Artist to take a Critical Look at the World and to highlight the Contradictions and Ambivalences which Structure Contemporary Doxa. It thus evokes the Journey of a Thought in Movement, which distrusts Certainties and Dogmas, and which RERO nourishes with Numerous References to Philosophy, Sociology or Psychology.
* Photo Cover in order:
- The Artist RERO
- Alessandra BRAGOLI General Manager Hotel Castille
- Benjamin CYMERMAN President Comité Faubourg Saint Honoré
- Jeanne d'HAUTESERRE Mayor of 8th arrondissement in Paris
- The Artist RERO
- Alessandra BRAGOLI General Manager Hotel Castille
- Benjamin CYMERMAN President Comité Faubourg Saint Honoré
- Jeanne d'HAUTESERRE Mayor of 8th arrondissement in Paris
Source: Vernissage of the Open-Air Exhibition of Four Monumental Art that will be exhibited in Emblematic Places in the Faubourg Saint-Honoré District.
On September 18, 2023 @ Hotel Castille in Paris
Yasmina BEDDOU
On September 18, 2023 @ Hotel Castille in Paris
Yasmina BEDDOU
more information:
Ruby Bird Yasmina Beddou Public Space Monumental Artist Paris Exhibition Rero Material Culture Open Air Commitee September 18 October 26 2023 Busts Wood Installations Sculptures Ambivalences Process Contemporary Doxa Philosophy
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